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英语四级作文1400字:Telephones in Students Dorm Rooms,Telephones in Students Dor

英语作文范文 发布时间:2017/10/9

英语四级作文1400字:Telephones in Students Dorm Rooms,Telephones in Students Dor

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telephones in students dorm rooms
for students who have so long suffered from inadequate public telephones on campus, standing in a long queue waiting to make a call is past memory. thanks to the new system of installing telephones in every dorm room, now students can make and receive calls without stepping out. students are beneficiaries(受益者).
telephones have surely made students life more convenient. while they can reach their families and friends more easily, the students can also be contacted by teachers and schoolmates as quickly as possible. for students who are far away from their families, to dial in and dial out has shortened the distance between their beloved parents and their lonely hearts.
but the significance goes far beyond simply making telephone calls. indeed, it has provided college students with greater access to the information superhighway. with computers and telephones in dorms, students can get wired (联网) and surf (网上冲浪) whenever they want. although telephones may be a disturbance as well as an indirect cause of quarrels, students find it is nothing important compared with its potential eonvenienceg listenm dorms are ringing to the sound of telephones.
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