大学英语作文800字:WHAT IS LOVE?,WHAT IS LOVE?范文
what is love? 英语作文网整理收集 文秘网 wenmi5.com love means that i care about the welfare of the person i love to the etent that it is genuine, my caring is not a smothering of the person or a possessive clinging. i’m concerned about his growth and i hope he will become all that he can become, and never put up roadblocks to what he does that enhances him as a person.
love means having respect for the dignity of the person i love. see him as a separate person, with his own values and thoughts and feelings, and i don’t insist that he surrender his identity and conform to an image of what i epect him to be for me .i can allow and encourage him to stand alone and to be who he is, and i avoid treating him as an object or using him primarily to gratify my own needs.
in short, in love two beings become one and yet remain two
what is love? 英语作文网整理收集 文秘网 wenmi5.com