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英语四级作文1500字:Housing Problem

英语作文范文 发布时间:2018/2/1

英语四级作文1500字:Housing Problem

direction:for this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in three paragraphs.you are given the first sentence of the three paragrapgs.your part of the composition should be no less than 100 words,not including the words given.remember to write clearly.

housing problem

1. housing problem comes hand in hand with population growth.
2. despite the mushrooming high building,the provision of living space still falls far short of demands.
3.various solutions have been suggested.


housing problem comes hand in hand with population growth. some big cities in china are now encumbered with a rising population. naturally,one of the most serious problems incurred is that of housing. despite the mushrooming high building,the provision of living space still falls far short of demands.since the world is advancing, people are no longer reconciled to living in shabby shelters.they look forward to decent dwelling places which can protect huan dignity.

various solutions have been suggested.but there seems to be a drawback to each of the solutions.the traditional free allocation of dwellings to the needy brings great economic burden to the government, while paid allocation brings equal burden to the average people. the moving of urban population to the suburbs may ease housing problem in inner city but brings about traffic problem.the best solution seems to be a combination of all suggeted solutions.we still have a long way to go.

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