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高中英语作文字:悲痛之情:父亲去世之后-After Fathers Death

英语作文范文 发布时间:2011/10/8

高中英语作文字:悲痛之情:父亲去世之后-After Fathers Death

after father's death
november 4, 1996 was a day i shall never forget.
at 9 o'clock that night, i was told that something serious had happened in my family. i hurried home from school. when i saw many of my father's fellow workers in his bedroom, i knew the worst thing had happened . i pushed my way into the room and saw father lying in bed , covered with a white sheet①. i rushed to him, lifted the white sheet with trembling hands, and caught sight of his pale face with his eyes tightly closed. in despair i shook his shoulders, crying, “dad! dad! ” but his mouth never opened. tears began running down my cheeks.
during the following two days i was deep in sorrow. when i was arranging father's funeral②, many classmates and friends came to comfort③ mother and me.
on the day i returned to school, my classmates again tried to comfort me . when i opened my desk , i found in it a lot of letters and notes, in which were many comforting and encouraging words. i was so moved that i coudn't keep my tears. then a teacher told me that my classmates had contributed④ a large amount of money to help me pay living and school epenses⑤. i was very thankful to them and tears again filled my eyes . i covered my face with my hands though i was a big boy. i could find no words to epress my feelings at that moment. their love for me gave me much courage. i was proud of such a warmhearted⑥ class.
①sheet [mi:t] n.被单
②funeral ['fju:n+r+l] n.丧葬;葬礼
③comfort ['k)mf+t] v.安慰
④contribute [k+n'tribju(:)t] v.捐献
⑤epense [ik'spens] n.花费
⑥warmhearted ['w&:m'ha:tid] a.富于同情心的
本文写得真实、清楚,表达了三种感情:悲痛之情,友爱之情和感激之情。悲痛之情和感激之情是通过两种眼泪表达的:悲痛的眼泪夺眶而出,泪如泉涌(crying,began running down);感激的眼泪情不自禁“couldn'tkeep back my tears, tears again filled my eyes”。友爱之情的表达主要是通过重复动词“comfort”,“contribute”和分词“comforting”,“encouraging”实现的。最后,作者为有这样富于同情心的班集体而骄傲,并要化悲痛为力量,表达对同学、老师们关怀的谢意。
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