初中英语作文600字:A Little Newspaper Comer-小小读报角,A Little Newspaper Comer
a little newspaper comer-小小读报角 英语作文网整理昨天放学回家时,我看见了一件新鲜事。我们楼道拐角多了几个报纸架。是谁放的呢?我正在纳闷,这时邻居斯蒂芬爷爷拿着一把椅子出来了,胳膊底下还夹着一大摞报纸。他告诉我他已经退休了,在家里闲着也没事,就打算为街坊们做点好事。人老了也要关心国家大事嘛。
a little newspaper comer
yesterday when i came home from school, i saw something newly happened. there appeared several newspaper stands at the comer of the corridor. who put them there? i was wondering while i saw my neighbor stephen came out with a chair in one hand and a pile of newspaper under the other arm. he told me he had retired and wanted to do something for his neighbors.