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英语作文范文 发布时间:2014/8/16


is the internet dangerous to children?
as far as i know,nowadays many schools don’t like their students to surf on the internet. even more parents think of the internet as a bad influence in their children’s lives,which is all because there are many eamples of students who have given up their studies or even become bad as a result of having got into the habit of surfing on the internet.
from my point of view,the internet is not dangerous to children. generally speaking,the major reasons of my opinion can be listed as follows. to begin with,the internet plays a very important role in the modernization of our world. in a word,if we cannot use the internet,we cannot keep up with the pace of the e-time. in the second place,the internet can help us a lot in our work and studies if properly used. last but not the least,the internet can entertain us with funny stories,games,literature and so on as relaation,thus we can combine study with joy. on the basis of those facts above,we can reach the conclusion that the internet is not dangerous to children.
in my view,i suggest that parents should install software in particular to prevent children from porn webs and lewd language. and i hope there will be more and more children making the most of the internet,for the internet is a historic dynamic,revolutionary force.
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