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初中英语作文1400字:The Race Between A Tortoise And A Rabbit,The Race Between A

英语作文范文 发布时间:2018/8/1

初中英语作文1400字:The Race Between A Tortoise And A Rabbit,The Race Between A

the race between a tortoise and a rabbit 英语作文网整理收集 英语作文网 www.345543.com the race between a tortoise and a rabbit
a rabbit is walking in the forest, and singing loudly. suddenly he sees a tortoise coming slowly from another road.
the rabbit says, “hi, i’m a rabbit. i can run fast. ha, ha! you run so slowly, ha…” the rabbit laughs at the tortoise. the tortoise gets angry, and he says, “don’t look down on me. let’s have a race.” “ok, let’s have a race. i must come first!” says the rabbit.
the other animals in the forest are the referees. the animals say, “one, two…go!”the rabbit runs like an arrow. after only a few minutes, the tortoise falls far behind him. the rabbit looks back, but he can’t see the tortoise. he’s very proud. “ah, i’ll be the first. i’m a little tired. i need to have a rest.” says the rabbit.
the rabbit lies down under the tree. soon he falls asleep. but the tortoise doesn’t stop, he keeps on running. “run, run, don’t stop, i’ll win.”
congratulations! congratulations! one step after another, finally, he gets to the finish line. he’s the first! the rabbit wakes up and says, “what time is it? where’s the tortoise?”
the rabbit runs to the finish line. to his surprise, the tortoise has been there already. and he learns that he fails because of his pride.

the race between a tortoise and a rabbit 英语作文网整理收集 英语作文网 www.345543.com
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