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高中英语作文1600字:一位不相识的朋友(An Unfamiliar Friend)

英语作文范文 发布时间:2016/3/9

高中英语作文1600字:一位不相识的朋友(An Unfamiliar Friend)

my dear, only fifteen minutes left! maybe the bus would never come. if i waited here a little longer, undoubtedly, i would be the last to step into the classroom again. then mr. wang would ask me as usual, “did you go to bed late or get up late?” everyone would stare at me. that was really embarrassing①. i had to hurry up on foot.

a cold wind blew up my hair. i rubbed my hands, and pulled up my collar, and walked hurriedly. just then, a young man, wearing only a vest and a pair of sport pants, was running past me, with his arms waving. his face turned red with cold, but he seemed to be unmindful② of the cold.he smiled at me, passing by. his smile made me feel as if he were saying, “lets run together.” i made my pace unconsciously③. then i tried my best to catch him up, but failed because of lack of eercises in the past. with a heavy bag on my back, i felt very tired. occasionally④, he turned back, smiling, encouraging me to run faster.

suddenly he stopped at a platform, which was his destination. he took a deep breath, and then gave a sharp but friendly whistle to me. i, also, whistled in return. he asked, “what time is it?” “it is…,” i looked at my watch and found it was already 7:37. there were only three minutes left for class.

as i hurried into the school gate, i was so thankful. what a good friend i met, and how i hoped to meet more such friends in my life.


①embarrassing [imb$r sir] a.令人为难的

②unmindful [)nmaindful] a.不介意的

③unconsciously [)nk&nm sli] ad.无意识地

④occasionally [ kein n li] ad.不时地

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