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初中英语作文1000字:Scared the Thief Away-吓退小偷,Scared the Thief Away-吓退小

英语作文范文 发布时间:2016/2/26

初中英语作文1000字:Scared the Thief Away-吓退小偷,Scared the Thief Away-吓退小

scared the thief away-吓退小偷 英语作文网收集整理 论文网 lunwen5.com


scared the thief away
one day, mamma and dad went out, leaving me alone at home. i was doing my homework suddenly i heard some sound of dong! dong! dong!at first i thought, who is knocking at the door with so loud a sound? i looked out from the door slit and saw a man with stealthy behavior picking the lock of the door. it was a thiefl i was so frightened that i didnt know what to do for a short time. i was just a kid, and if he broke in, i was certainly no match for him. just at that moment a good idea occurred to me. i shouted loudly, mom, dad is calling you! fortunately it worked. the thief was scared away. a bad man can never be wiser than a good one.

scared the thief away-吓退小偷 英语作文网收集整理 论文网 lunwen5.com
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