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高考英语作文600字:我想买高尔夫球(I want to buy a golf ball)

英语作文范文 发布时间:2016/2/15

高考英语作文600字:我想买高尔夫球(I want to buy a golf ball)

a blonde golfer goes into the pro shop and looks around frowning.

finally the pro askes her what she wants. "i cant find any green golf balls," the blonde golfer complains.

the pro looks all over the shop, and through all the catalogs, and finally calls the manufacturers and determines that sure enough, there are no green golf balls.

as the blonde golfer walks out the door in disgust, the pro asks her, "before you go, could you tell me why you want green golf balls?"

"well obviously, because they would be so much easier to find in the sand traps!"

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