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写作知识范文 发布时间:2012/12/5


中英文职位对照_accounting and finance(会计与财务部分)

accounting payable clerk 应付帐款文员 accounting assistant 会计助理
assistant portfolio manager 组合基金经理助理 accounting manager 会计经理
accounts receivable clerk 应收帐款文员 accounting clerk 会计文员
certified public accountant 注册会计师 senior accoutant 高级会计
chief financial officer 首席财务官 audit manager 审计经理
collections officer 收款负责人 actuarial anaylst 保险分析员
insurance underwriter 保险承销商 auditor 审计师
bank administrator 银行事务管理员 junior accountant 初级会计
loan administrator 贷款管理员 bank treasurer 资金调拨
management accountant 管理会计 billing clerk 票据文员
mortgage underwriter 抵抻保险员 billing supervisor 票据管理员
payroll manager 工资经理 bookkeeper 档案管理
staff auditor 审计员 bookkeeping clerk 档案管理助理
stock broker 股票经纪人 budget analyst 预算分析
ta accountant 税务会计 credit analyst 信用分析
ta inspector 税务检查员 credit manager 信用管理经理
vice-president of administration and finance 财务行政副总裁 financial analyst 财务分析
vice-president of finance 财务副总裁 financial consultant 财务顾问
loan servicer 贷款服务 financial manager 财务经理
financial planner 财务计划员 bank clerk 银行出纳

human resources(人力资源部分)

assistant personnel officer 人事助理 benefits coordinator 员工福利协调员
assistant vice-president of human resources 人力资源副总裁助理 compensation manager 薪酬经理
director of human resources 人力资源总监 employment consultant 招募顾问
employer relations representative 员工关系代表 facility manager 后勤经理
job placement officer 人员配置专员 personnel consultant 员工顾问
labor relations specialist 劳动关系专员 personnel manager 职员经理
training coordinator 培训协调员 recruiter 招聘人员
vice-president of human resources 人力资源副总裁 training specialist 培训专员

administrative director 行政主管 file clerk 档案管理员
eecutive assistant 行政助理 office manager 办公室经理
eecutive secretary 行政秘书 receptionist 接待员
general office clerk 办公室文员 secretary 秘书
inventory control analyst 存货控制分析 staff assistant 助理
mail room supervisor 信件中心管理员 stenographer 速记员
order entry clerk 订单输入文员 telephone operator 电话操作员
shipping/receiving epediter 收发督导员 ticket agent 票务代理
vice-president of administration 行政副总裁 typist 打字员

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